Friday, November 29, 2019

10 profesiones mejor pagadas en Estados Unidos en 2018

10 profesiones mejor pagadas en Estados Unidos en 2018 Las 10 profesiones mejor pagadas en Estados Unidos en 2018 superan de media los $168.000 de ingresos anuales brutos, todas ellas pertenecen al mbito de la salud. En este artà ­culo se enumeran las 25 profesiones mejor pagadas y se informa sobre quà © opciones  de visas de trabajo  hay profesionales extranjeros que puedan estar interesados en trabajar en EE.UU. Y es que una cosa es que existan profesiones muy bien pagadas en las que  adems, hay demanda por ms empleados y otra muy distinta que los extranjeros con esas capacidades puedan trabajar en Estados Unidos. 10 profesiones mejor pagadas en Estados Unidos en 2018 Todas estn relacionadas con la salud y son las siguientes: Anestesista: $269.000 sueldo medio anual brutoCirujano generalista: $252.910Obstetra y ginecà ³logo: $234.310Cirujano especialista en maxilofacial: $232,870Ortodontista: $228.780Mà ©dico generalista: $201.840Psiquiatra: $200.220Pediatra: $184.240Dentista: $173.860Dentista especializado en està ©tica e implantes de dientes: $168.140. Los mà ©dicos extranjeros se encuentran entre los profesionales a los que ms atrae la idea de trabajar en Estados Unidos. Para explorar esta posibilidad conviene saber que para desempeà ±arse como mà ©dico se requiere un mà ­nimo de once aà ±os de estudios superiores. En este contexto, para los mà ©dicos extranjeros no es fcil validar sus estudios realizados en universidades extranjeras. El proceso es duro y largo, pero desde luego que es algo posible.   Adems, es posible estudiar la residencia en Estados Unidos para asà ­ especializarse. Se utiliza para ello una visa J-1 de intercambio. Precisamente porque los trmites pueden ser complejos y demorarse por aà ±os, muchos mà ©dicos prefieren obtener licencias para trabajar en USA como enfermeros/as ya que tambià ©n  estn bien pagados, aunque menos que los mà ©dicos. En cuanto a la validacià ³n  de  los estudios  de enfermerà ­a se requiere que se sigan pautas comunes a otras profesiones. Profesiones mejor pagadas posicià ³n 11 a 25 en EE.UU. en 2018 Enfermera especialista en anestesia: $164.030Ingeniero especialista en la industria petrolera: $147.030Gerente IT: $145.740Gerente de marketing: $144.140Podà ³logo: $144.110Abogado: $139.880Gerente financiero: $139.720Gerente de ventas: $135.090Asesor financiero: $123.100Gerente de operaciones de negocio: $122.090Farmacà ©utico: $120.270Optometrista: $117.580Actuario: $114.120Polità ³logo: $112.250Gerente de servicios mà ©dicos y de salud: $109.370 Los farmacà ©uticos extranjeros estn en alta demanda porque los que estudian en EE.UU. no son suficientes para cubrir la demanda. Sin embargo, hay que tener en cuenta que los farmacà ©uticos que han estudiado fuera de EE.UU. deben convalidar sus estudios tomando una serie de exmenes para obtener homologacià ³n, certificacià ³n y licencia. A estos exmenes se les conoce en inglà ©s por sus iniciales de FPGEE y NAPLEX. Tambià ©n estn altamente demandadas las enfermeras extranjeras. Para las interesadas, estas son  10 agencias que encuentran empleador para enfermeros extranjeros, y destacar que, en el caso de candidatas mexicanas, es posible obtener una visa TN para desempeà ±ar esta profesià ³n en los Estados Unidos. Cuando los beneficios tambià ©n importan En algunas profesiones los sueldos no son muy altos pero brindan importantes beneficios, que se deben tener en cuenta. Destacan en este sentido los de los funcionarios del gobierno federal o de los estatales y muy especialmente los beneficios e incentivos de alistarse en el Ejà ©rcito. En muchos casos los trabajos federales estn prohibidos a personas que no son ciudadanas o residentes permanentes legales, es decir, no se pueden desempeà ±ar con una visa de trabajo. Incluso los que son sensibles por cuestià ³n de seguridad estn reservados exclusivamente para ciudadanos estadounidenses. Debe saberse sobre el mercado laboral en Estados Unidos Para las personas interesadas en conocer el mercado laboral en EE.UU., à ©stas son las 30  profesiones que tendrn una mayor demanda en Estados Unidos de aquà ­ a 2022, segà ºn el Departamento de Trabajo. Adems, debe tenerse en cuenta algo que muchas veces se olvida, en Estados Unidos los impuestos varà ­an mucho entre estados con lo que con el mismo salario bruto lo que realmente se ingresa puede varà ­an mucho. Estos son los 10 estados donde se pagan ms y menos impuestos. Tambià ©n hay que tomar en consideracià ³n que Estados Unidos es un paà ­s muy grande y que la economà ­a no es igual en todos los estados. Finalmente, tambià ©n se debe tener en cuenta que el nivel de vida y los gastos no son iguales a lo largo y ancho del paà ­s. De hecho hay una gran diferencia entre las 10 ciudades ms caras  y las 10 ms baratas. Y es que a veces ganar menos, dependiendo de donde se viva, significa poder ahorrar ms o vivir mejor. Requisitos migratorios para poder trabajar en Estados Unidos Para trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos hay que tener una situacià ³n que lo permita. Las opciones son las siguientes; Ciudadanà ­a estadounidenseResidencia permanente. Los caminos para conseguir una tarjeta de residencia son mà ºltiples.Permiso de trabajo por estar en una categorà ­a especial como asilados, etc.Visa de trabajo. Aquà ­ tambià ©n las posibilidades son muchas. Una empresa en Estados Unidos tiene que patrocinar al trabajador extranjero.   Las empresas pueden utilizar el sistema e-verify para comprobar si un trabajador est autorizado para trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos. Salario mà ­nimo y otros dato Justo en el lado opuesto de las profesiones que ms ganan estn todas aquellas en las que los trabajadores cobran el salario mà ­nimo. Entà ©rate en el enlace anterior cul es el fijado por el gobierno federal y cul aplica en cada uno de los 50 estados y en el Estado Libre Asociado Puerto Rico. Finalmente, en este paà ­s de inmigrantes, à ©stas son las  10 nacionalidades hispanas ms exitosas econà ³micamente en Estados Unidos. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Quotes of Encouragement for Women

Quotes of Encouragement for Women Fight off the feeling of helplessness. You are a woman! You have the power to create, nurture, and mold. Your voice may be soft, but it carries a sense of determination. Your shoulders may be delicate, but they can carry the burden of a family with ease. Dont underestimate your strengths and abilities. When the time is right, you can prove your mettle to the world. Quotes of Encouragement for Women Read these encouraging quotes for women and learn to believe in yourself. These quotes can help you overcome any challenge that hinders your growth. St. Teresa of AvilaHowever softly we speak, God is near enough to hear us. Anais NinThere came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Havelock EllisCharm is a womans strength just as strength is a mans charm. Indira GandhiPeople with clenched fists can not shake hands. Alice WalkerThe most common way people give up their power is by thinking they dont have any. Anais NinDreams are necessary to life. Pearl BaileyPeople see God every day. They just dont recognize him. Diane MariechildA woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform. Grandma MosesLife is what we make it, always has been, always will be. Edgar Watson HoweA man has his clothes made to fit him; a woman makes herself fit her clothes.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Busness Statisics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Busness Statisics - Essay Example On page 3 of Jain and Aggarwal’s book, the term statistics has two definitions. The first definition shows that statistics in the plural sense shows it is the numerical data of the facts that relate to different fields of enquiry such as population and prices (2007). In a singular sense, Jain and Aggarwal (2007) define statistics as a science that deals with different methods of data collection, presentation and interpretation among other techniques. According to Jain and Aggarwal (2007), there are two types and levels of statistics. The first is known as descriptive statistics where the techniques for data collection and organization are used with an aim of providing more details about the data. Under the descriptive type of data, decisions or conclusions are not made. On page 5 of Moss’s book, he cites the second type of statistics as the inferential statistics (2014). This type of statistics involves estimating the characteristic of decision-making that involves a population, based on sample results (Moss, 2014). Under this kind of statistics, there is an estimation of an unknown parameter of the population to check the basis of the sample and to test if the sample data has enough evidence to show the population parameter (Jain & Aggarwal, 2007). In business, the knowledge of statistics is extremely crucial. For a business person with the knowledge of statistics, it becomes easy to make estimates that are related to supply and demand. It becomes easier to make the right decisions when it comes to seasonal changes, the tastes of consumers in the market, the customs and the market’s trade cycle (Jain & Aggarwal, 2007). For example, a business person with knowledge of statistics is in a better position to know a market’s supply and demand of goods and how such supply or demand might become affected by changes in prices or the policies that the government sets. As noted in Jain and Aggarwal’s book, the making of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Cylindrospermopsin Alkaloids Literature review

The Cylindrospermopsin Alkaloids - Literature review Example This review is initially focused on isolation of these natural products then moving on to environmental concerns regarding cylindrospermopsin alkaloids contamination before finally describing methods used in their synthesis (Murphy and Thomas, 2001) Figure one. The cylindrospermopsin alkaloids of cylindrospermopsin (1), 7-deoxy-cylindrospermopsin (2) and 7-epi-cylindrospermopsin (3). II. Isolation and Characterization Cylindrospermopsin (1), was extracted in 1992 from the cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and characterized by Moore and co-workers. The characterisation was done using a combination of NMR and mass spectroscopy. (Ohtani, Moore and Runnegar, 1992) In 1999 during routine purification of cylindrospermopsin using HPLC 7-deoxy-cylindrospermopsin (2) was discovered and characterised (Norris, et al., 1999). It was also believed that the newly discovered cylindrospermopsin derivative could exist in the form of two tautomers. The conclusion was drawn from the fact th at the vinylic proton of the uracil ring was not detected using 1H NMR technique (Figure two). However, the presence of the uracil group in (4) was proven by investigating the absorbance maximum (?max) that was observed for every sample of 7-deoxy-cylindrospermopsin (2). It was obvious that the natural material existed as a mixture of compounds but it was not possible to estimate the quantity of (2) (Looper, et al., 2005). Figure two. Proposed tautomeric forms of 7-deoxy-cylindrospermopsin (2). Discovered in 2000, 7-epi-cylindrospermopsin (3) initially was found to be synthesised by Aphanizomenon ovalisporum (Banker, et al., 2000). Taking into account the unusual tautomer enol existence of the uracil D ring, estimation of the relative stereochemistry of cylindrospermopsin (1) was made. The uracil D ring was intramolecularly hydrogen attached to a nitrogen terminus of the guanidine group as described in structure 6. The produced configuration was in correlation with the NMR evidence which led the research group to the structure 7 as the most likely description of cylindrospermopsin (1) (Figure three) (Heintzelman, et al., 2001). The correct stricture for cylindrospermopsin (1) and its epimer, 7-epi-cylindrospermopsin (2), were deduced by thinking about these alkaloids as uracil tautomers (Figure one). Figure three. Proposed structures of cylindrospermopsin (1) and 7-epi-cylindrospermopsin (3). III. Occurrence and Production of Cylindrospermopsin After the first isolation of cylindrospermopsin (1) from C. raciborskii in 1992 a number of cyanobacteria species have been found to produce cylindrospermopsin alkaloids in various quantities. These alkaloids were found in Asia, North and South America, Europe, South Pacific and Middle East. However, the leader is Australia. Most cyanobacterial species can be found on that continent. Therefore the concentration of cylindrospermopsin in that country is the highest. In connection with that, the outbreak of hepatoenteritis on Palm Island Australia is worth mentioning. The disease affected one hundred and forty eight people the majority of which were children (Prociv, 2004). It is presumed that treatment of algal blooms with copper sulfate caused the lysis of the cyanobacterial cells with further release of the toxins into the drinking water. The toxin was also found in Poland (Kokocinski, et al., 2009), however, the cyanobacteria responsible for its synthesis was not reported. There are cases where it was possible to isolate the toxin without detecting

Monday, November 18, 2019

Critical analyses of Teenage Pregnancy in UK and it's impact on Essay

Critical analyses of Teenage Pregnancy in UK and it's impact on children , families and society - Essay Example There are a number of reasons for this disparity one of which is delay by the government to address the issue. Teenage mothers as a whole face a number of challenges including drop out of school, lack of income, loss of friends and the relationship with family members deteriorate (Berrington, Diamond, Ingham et al, 2005). Infants born of teenage mothers on the other hand have a higher mortality rate, born with many complications and denied parental love and care (Harden, Bruton, Fletcher and Okley, 2009). There have been various efforts by the government to try and combat this problem. One of the commonest is educating the young about sex. In sex education teenagers are taught the mechanisms of sex and how to prevent pregnancy (Carabine, 2007). However, sex education has been heavily criticized for failing to address issues that matter such as contraceptives. Just like in other countries where teenage pregnancy is low, transparency and early intervention is favoured (Fletcher, 2010). Though the government has done a lot to address the issue, the roots causes are yet to be tackled (Horgan and Kenny, 2007). Teenage pregnancy has been equated to deprivation. Once the government effectively tackles poverty in society, much would have been accomplished in the campaign against teenage pregnancy. The objective of this essay is to give a critical analysis of teenage pregnancy in the UK. It will address the effects on the mother, family and society as a whole. Comparisons will be drawn with other countries which might be experiencing a greater or lesser challenge. Finally, the effectiveness of UK government policies will be evaluated. According to Maslow, growth and survival are the basic explanation to human behaviour. The most important needs for survival are the basic requirements such as food and water which must be satisfied before satisfaction of higher needs. The higher needs though with ability to ensure psychological well-being of individuals have less

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Over Populations Effects On Nature

Over Populations Effects On Nature Population is one of the key issues in the present era which drag everyones attention towards it. Over population is defined as the condition in which the population density increases to a limit that hassle the environment impairment, diminution of natural resources, deterioration in quality of life, and population crash. The problem of unrestrained population growth found to be one of the most major issues of recent time as it affects the welfare and happiness of all the world population. It demands the focus of every country and society, this problem is more crucial for developing nation than that of developed countries. Every country is dedicated to gain a good standard of living so that the people staying there should get adequate food, shelter, education, employment and health facilities. This dedication has become a main objective for many developing countries that are in poverty, but the current rate of population growth has become a hurdle for the developing nation to reach their objective. The current global population is going to double in 35 years .It is projected that the population of the world in the year 2054 would be 9 billion, which is going to affect the increasing rate of economic development, which will enforce a heavy burden on effort made to enhance human welfare (JohnSeitz2002). In developed country the population is likely remains steady at1.2billion. The current birth rate is 14 to 20% for 1000 population per year and the death rate has declined this is because of good infrastructure, wider market, high productivity of crops, modern medicine and development of sanitation facilities. While the population is going increase in developing country. The growth is expected in five developing countries like China, India, Pakistan, Nigeria and Indonesia. It is projected that by 2050 the population of India is going to increase by1.5 billion which will be more than chinas population. Worlds population and distribution The population of the world has been started increasing in eighteenth century, the population in 1800 was 900 million, in 1900 the population was 1600million, in year 2000 the population was 7600 million. Over 56.7% of the world population live in less developed countries, like Asia and Africa. The GNP that is per capita Gross National Product of these countries was 8.5% which is the average of world GNP and produce only 4.9% of worlds total GNP. On the other side the average per capita GNP for the developed countries is 80% of worlds GNP, contained 15.2% of worlds population. Most of them developed nation like North America, Europe, Australia, North America and some Middle East and Asian countries have High standard of living. Thus a gross inequality exists between the responsibility for supporting the world population in sustainable manner and the available resource between two groups of countries. Over 45 percent of the world countries is experiencing high population growth rate. Most of them are less developed countries are western Asia and Africa. It is expected that in next 32 years the population is going to double by present growth rate of 2.2%. The population of India in 1994 was 913.6 million, Brazil 159.1 million, Indonesia 189.9 million, this countries are experiencing growth between 1.5 to 2.1% per year. If this countries make effort in reducing their population will prove helpful in reducing the world population in coming years. In next 47 years the population will be double by the present growth rate of 1.5%. First, the per capita GNP is higher for the countries those who have high population growth than that of moderate population growth. It is not necessary that a high income may lead to low population growth. Second, environmental resource, income level and growth rate differ between countries. Where population growth rate is very low the people themselves may regarded as an important resource. In short sustaining development is adversely affected by high population growth. The population of the world is not equally distributed. America and Canada have 250 million of population; Soviet Union and South America both this countries have same population. the population of china , Korea and Japan is more than 1billion .India ,Pakistan ,Bangladesh is densely populated region with population of 1.5 billion. Population Density Population density is defined as the number of human being in per square miles. Population density gives over all view of the effect of population on natural resource with in the country. The impact of environmental damage on the economy of the country cannot be accurately forecast by the population density. Some populated countries whose population density is more, have high standard of living. The countries such as Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, where population density of this country is 1000person/sq mile. Some developed countries like UK, Australia and European countries have stable population with sustainable economy. As this country cultivate and export their crop. But countries like Brazil and Africa who are in developing stage with unstable population and have acute shortage of food, so import food from other countries. The difference in economy is generated due to diversity among the countries. The nation whose population is stable enjoys sustainable economy wit h high standard of living and the nation whose population is unstable and growing suffers from unsustainable economy, which leads to problem like starvation, poverty, disease. Impact of population pressure on Environment that is food and natural resource The population of the world is increasing day by day which indirectly effects the environment. Population is the key factor which affects the environment. The total population of the earth is 6billion which is more than the carrying capacity of the earth. Also population is increasing by the rate of 1.3% per year. As it is said above that the population of the developed country is stable but the population of underdeveloped country is increasing. So developing countries like India, China, Brazil, Africa have high illiteracy and most of the people live below poverty line .This is due to over increase in population, such vast population result in tremendous demand for shelter, food, water and sanitation facilities. This indirectly effects the natural environment and resource. Food: In developing countries like India, agriculture is their main occupation .more people in rural area are dependent on agriculture as their primary source of income. The population of developing countries is gradually increasing, but demand for the cultivation of crop is not increasing in the same way, which is due to scarcity of land and infertile soil. It is well known that agricultural increases arithmetically where as population increases geometrically. In many area the carrying capacity of agricultural land have already reached saturation, which is due to infertile soil, soil erosion over use of pesticides and fertilizers. Water: Another important issue in developing nation is scarcity of water. Extensive use of water for cultivation for many years has reduced the ground water level resulted in food scarcity. Other reason for water scarcity is irregular rain fall in these nations, which puts an additional pressure on water reservoirs. The available surface and ground water is very less to fulfill the growing demand of the population. Soil:- Tremendous increase in population and over use of land for agricultural purpose, road construction, reckless deforestation, fodder collection lead to continuous deterioration of soil. Due to scarcity of land many people are shifting towards the forest land, so more and more forest are cutting down for building houses and settle farm land .The remain of the trees are burnt and use as fertilizer or cattle grazing result of this the essential nutrients are washed out of the soil, which lead to soil erosion. In humid and tropic region about 80% of soil is infertile and acidic. When deforestation rises, the soil become more infertile. Due to high temperature in equatorial region the soil becomes dry which develops cracks in it, because of that the essential nutrients of the soil are lost, results into reducing fertility of soil. Forest: Over increase in population in developing countries resulted in terrible pressure on forest resource. As people are more dependent on forest for to fulfill their basic needs such as wood, land etc which led to deforestation. The extension of valuable species and plant are the major effect of deforestation. Deforestation can lead to many serious problems like erosion of soil, land become infertile, as a result the soil becomes hard and the essentials nutrients are absorbed. Studies say that deforestation can also led to climate change, which means hot climate and less rainfall. Poor people cut down forest for settlement and for farming, the trees are then burned which releases co2 as well as other gases which effects the environment. Fuel: Population explosion also has tremendous effect on nonrenewable resource like natural gas, petroleum product, coal etc and also mineral resource like gold, silver, copper, lead and iron etc. More and more this kind of fuel is used for industrial and domestic purpose which leads to pollution. According to me now people are thinking about the consequences and effect of over population, awareness has been created among the people in the urban area of developing nations. Government strategy towards controlling the population explosion has changed. In various nations around the world remarkable reduction in birth rate is taking place which will help to reduce population. Government should create awareness among the people regarding the benefits of family planning by conducting seminar and road shows in rural areas. A change in tax law should be done which encourages people to have not more than two children per couple. This will help them to give better education and prospect for their future. Government should also run different program for controlling population and they should also open family planning center which will provide people information about marriage counseling, sex education and child counseling (help to keep spacing after first child) apart from this banners, hoardings, electronic media and printed articles in news paper also helps to reduce birth rate. In developed countries, government is providing more benefits to the family having one or two children like free education, cloths, free medical and one time also meal to the children. The main effect on environment is increasing in deforestation to reduce this more no of building is created rather than individuals houses. Agricultural land should not be destroyed for this urbanization. More amounts of industry and factories should be built in towns which will create employment opportunities. This will help in moving people from major cities to towns in order to reduce the density of population. In urban areas government should provide benefits to the people using electric cars, this will reduce the air pollution caused by internal combustion engines. The chemical waste from industries is released into lakes and rivers which pollute them. This chemical waste contains toxic substances and poisonous gases which affects the health of human beings. These effects can be reduced by stopping release of toxic substance into the water. This water retreated in the plant and used for domestic purpose which will reduce the water shortage. For both the developed and the under developed countries, its important to see the environment as well as the economic growth. The developed and underdeveloped countries should create a balance between the economic growth and protection of environment. So that they can protect the land, air, and water on which the entire life depend.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Jack the Ripper and the murders of Whitechapel is a mystery that still plagues the world today. Even after hundreds of years, no one has been able to decipher who the Ripper really was. Jack the Ripper was and is an unsolved mystery. It is important however, for people to be informed of what happened in those dark days, even if they do not know who the killer was (Biography 1). Though there were several other serial killers before Jack the ripper, he was the first one to get the attention from the media. At the time he was murdering, newspapers were beginning to become a big deal so word out fairly quickly. Because of the press coverage, more people were aware of and invested in the case (Casebook 1). During time of the murders, several different police forces were involved, including something similar to a neighborhood watch. Anyone who looked remotely suspicious was questioned. Of all of the people investigated, the first to be talked to were the doctors and the butchers, mainly due to the way the Ripper handled the women. Sadly, no one was ever officially charged with the murders (Whitechapel 1). Jack the Ripper was one of the few serial killers that were never caught. Because of that, there are still people today who try to solve the age old case. There are only five proven murders, though people suspect he killed up to eight women. One of the things that made Jack the Ripper so mysterious was the fact that his victims had very little in common with one another. Usually serial killers will have a certain type of victim, but not the Ripper. All of the victims of the Ripper were of different ages and appearances. The only thing the girls had in common was their occupation of prostitution and a love of alcohol (... ...oaxes (Casebook 4). Although officials never figured out who the Ripper was, there were people they suspected, such as an assistant schoolmaster named John Druitt. Druitt is considered a suspect because he committed suicide right after the murders were committed. However, that is the only link police forces were able to find linking the two. Sources outside of the police force claimed that Druitt committed suicide because he was fired from the school for homosexuality, though that wasn’t ever proven (Whitechapel 4). Another commonly accepted suspect is George Chapman, who moved to the UK just before the murders began. Chapman was sentenced to death in 1903 for the murder of three of his wives. What keeps some people from believing he was responsible for the Ripper murders is the fact that he had poisoned his wives rather than using a knife (Whitechapel 4). Essay -- Jack the Ripper and the murders of Whitechapel is a mystery that still plagues the world today. Even after hundreds of years, no one has been able to decipher who the Ripper really was. Jack the Ripper was and is an unsolved mystery. It is important however, for people to be informed of what happened in those dark days, even if they do not know who the killer was (Biography 1). Though there were several other serial killers before Jack the ripper, he was the first one to get the attention from the media. At the time he was murdering, newspapers were beginning to become a big deal so word out fairly quickly. Because of the press coverage, more people were aware of and invested in the case (Casebook 1). During time of the murders, several different police forces were involved, including something similar to a neighborhood watch. Anyone who looked remotely suspicious was questioned. Of all of the people investigated, the first to be talked to were the doctors and the butchers, mainly due to the way the Ripper handled the women. Sadly, no one was ever officially charged with the murders (Whitechapel 1). Jack the Ripper was one of the few serial killers that were never caught. Because of that, there are still people today who try to solve the age old case. There are only five proven murders, though people suspect he killed up to eight women. One of the things that made Jack the Ripper so mysterious was the fact that his victims had very little in common with one another. Usually serial killers will have a certain type of victim, but not the Ripper. All of the victims of the Ripper were of different ages and appearances. The only thing the girls had in common was their occupation of prostitution and a love of alcohol (... ...oaxes (Casebook 4). Although officials never figured out who the Ripper was, there were people they suspected, such as an assistant schoolmaster named John Druitt. Druitt is considered a suspect because he committed suicide right after the murders were committed. However, that is the only link police forces were able to find linking the two. Sources outside of the police force claimed that Druitt committed suicide because he was fired from the school for homosexuality, though that wasn’t ever proven (Whitechapel 4). Another commonly accepted suspect is George Chapman, who moved to the UK just before the murders began. Chapman was sentenced to death in 1903 for the murder of three of his wives. What keeps some people from believing he was responsible for the Ripper murders is the fact that he had poisoned his wives rather than using a knife (Whitechapel 4).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Erp Project Oracle vs Asap

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Project Students name: Registration number: Course: Date: Table of Contents ABSTRACT3 INTRODUCTION5 VENDOR OVERVIEW8 INTRODUCTION8 SAP8 ORACLE9 BUSINESS FUNCTIONS13 Production14 Sales14 Support services15 External services15 BUSINESS FUNCTIONS SUPPORTED BY ORACLE AND SAP16 TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM FROM SAP AND ORACLE19 COST COMPARISON BETWEEN SAP AND ORACLE20 EASE OF USE22 ERP MODULES23 Oracle’s Financial Management Analytics23 Oracle database 11g enterprise edition24 VENDOR SELECTION27 ERP DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE28 SCOPE AND COMMITMENT STAGE28 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN29 ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT STAGE30IMPLEMENTATION STAGE30 OPERATIONAL STAGE30 Bibliography31 ABSTRACT Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a system that integrates all the internal and external functional units of an organization, the functional units may be manufacturing, finance, storage, management, transport, customer satisfaction etc. in order to integrate all the organizationâ₠¬â„¢s functional unit into a flawless and harmonious system, computer software have been developed by different vendors, these software may be custom made for a particular organization or they may be general for use by any organization (Jerferson, 2010).ERP systems are put in place to improve on the efficiency of information management of the organization, all the data from the different units of the organization are managed by the software and is usually stored in a central location called a server, the server may be physically located in the organization or it may be a virtual one on the internet, the virtual serve uses a technology called cloud computing.The ERP system normally contains modules that are specialized sub-systems that are task-oriented, these modules include human resource, production planning, financial planning, quality management, materials management, sales and distribution, maintenance, controlling, asset management, project management and industry solutions. T he ERP software are developed and sold by vendors under different levels, the highest level is the large Enterprise ERP tier I which include vendors such as SAP, Oracle and Microsoft, this level is for larger enterprises with complex communication protocols between so many functional units.The second level is the midmarket ERP tier II which include vendors such as Infor, QAD, Lawson, sage and IFS, these ERP software are suitable for medium companies that have average complexity in terms of information management. The last level is the small business ERP tier III, vendors of these ERP systems include Exact Globe, Syspro, NetSuite and Visibility, ERP software in this are suitable for small businesses with simple information management systems (Jerferson, 2010).In this project, a detailed analysis of a hypothetical university’s information management system is made, and then an ERP software will be selected from one of the two vendors, SAP or Oracle. The selection will be based on the steps of the ERP development life cycle, the cycle will involve all the standard phases of an ERP development life cycle. The major activities of the university include provision of education, research activities and community service. The functional units of the university include the academics affairs, inance department, staff administration, medical services, marketing and public relations, central store, catering, students welfare and quality assurance. The project will analyze the software modules that are provided by Oracle and SAP, a detailed investigation on the suitability of the two will also be made, and then one of them will be selected for use as the university’s ERP system. This selection will be based on facts and will be as systematic as the ERP development cycle.INTRODUCTION There are several ERP vendors in the global market, each is fighting to be the dominant brand, and as a result, stiff competition between the vendors is taking place. Each vendor i s engineering better ERP software to attract the customer’s attention and fulfill their needs, some of the vendors are SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Lawson, sage and IFS. In this project, the two most dominant vendors in the market will be analyzed, these are SAP and Oracle.The two vendors had a total market share of 55% between the year 2005 and 2009, and they have developed a wide range of products that are tailored to suit several organizations, be it military, government or industrial (Jerferson, 2010). SAP and Oracle are both in the large enterprise tier I category and they have mainly designed products to suit this segment of the market, however, nowadays they are developing ERP software for midmarket tier II. The project will take a hypothetical university as a case study, the university offers a variety of courses and has a number of campuses distributed all over the country.As part of the management policy, the university is divided into several departments that represent the business functions of a generalized organization, the departments are:- 1. Academics affairs This department deals with the core business of the university, which is provision of education, the department organizes the timetables, assigns lecturers to the different units, manages the curriculum, manages the student’s results, ensures that all the university policies are adhered to and organizes the tests and exams. 2. Central storeIn this department, they receive anything that is supplied by the suppliers. The central store also makes requisitions for general materials such as stationery, staff uniforms, sanitary consumables etc. but they don’t make orders for special materials that are specific to a certain department only such as machinery, computers, furniture etc. 3. Finance This department deals with the management and controlling of the university’s budgets, it also deals with monitoring and management of the school fees as well as the staff salaries a nd allowances.The department relies heavily on computer software to carry out its daily activities, all data is stored in a central server. 4. Students welfare The student’s wellbeing is taken care by this department, activities such as sports, festivals, parties, concerts are organized, monitored and financed by this department. 5. Human resource The recruitment of new members of staff, promotions and disciplinary procedure for misconduct of staff are all carried out by this department. The department also carries out training programs for members of staff. . Catering This department manages the catering services at the students and staff cafeterias, the department also makes orders for all the ingredients they need for preparing the food on the menu for the different days. The sales from the cafeteria are not managed by the catering department, they are managed by the finance department. 7. Medical services The student’s and health needs are meet by this department, the staff in this department include doctors, nurses and pharmacists.They treat any sick student or staff for free, but they use software to keep their data such as medical records, inventory and lab results. 8. Public relations This department deals with uplifting the university’s image, maintaining good relations with other stakeholders and promoting the university at different levels of the socioeconomic setup. 9. Other department Other smaller departments include quality assurance office, advertising department and repairs and maintenance, transport and research institute. VENDOR OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION SAPSAP AG is a software company based in Germany that makes enterprise software, the company was founded in June 1972 and was started by former IBM engineers, the company was initially called Systemanalyse und Programmentwicklung (â€Å"System Analysis and Program Development†) but the name was later changed to Systemanalyse und Programmentwicklung (â€Å"System Anal ysis and Program Development†), in 2005, the name was officially changed to SAP AG, SAP AG was included in the German stock index DAX in 1995 and was included in the Dow Jones STOXX 50 in 2003 (Leakey, 2013).Currently, SAP is the world leader in the sale of business and database software with a market share of 32%. Some of the main products of SAP are:- CATEGORY| PACKAGE NAME| Business| Analytics| | Advanced Planner And Optimizer| | Business Information Warehouse| | Portal| | Enterprise Central Component| | Governance, Risk And Compliance| | Human Resource Management Systems| | Knowledge Warehouse| | Internet Transaction Server| | Catalog Content Management| | Hana| | Supply Chain Performance Management| | Training And Event Management| | Manufacturing | | Master Data Management| | Service And Asset Management|Industry| Oil And Gas| | Healthcare| | Telecommunication| | Public Sector| | Utilities| | Retail| Small and midsize enterprises| Business One| | Business ByDesign| Other | CCMS| | Sapgui| | eCATT| | Central Process Scheduling| | Solution Manager| ORACLE Oracle is an American database and business management software company that was founded in 1977, its first name was Software Development Laboratories, in 1979 the name was changed to Relational Software Incorporation, the name was changed again in 1982 to Oracle Systems Corporation and lastly it was renamed Oracle Corporation in 1995 (Wikipedia, 2013).Oracle is ranked as the world’s third largest software maker after Microsoft and IBM by revenue, however, it is ranked second in as an ERP software maker by market share after SAP. Oracle had a market share of 23% in ERP software between 2005 and 2009 while SAP had a staggering 32% market share. Some of Oracle’s products are listed below CATEGORY| PACKAGE NAME| Applications| Oracle E-Business Suite| | Enterprise performance management| | Financial management| | Oracle fusion applications| | Oracle CRM on demand| | Customer relation manage ment| Hyperion| | JD Edwards world| | JD Edwards enterprise one| | Human capital management| | Master data management| | Primavera| | Web commerce| | Sustainability| | Procurement| | Project management| | Siebel| | Supply chain management| Database| Oracle database 11g enterprise edition| | Oracle database 11g standard edition| | Oracle database 11g standard edition one| | Active data guard| | Advanced security| | Airline data model| | Database security| | Express edition| | Label security| | MySQL| | OLAP| | Oracle database appliance| | Database vault| NoSQL database| | Secure backup| | Secure enterprise search| Engineered systems| Oracle big data appliance| | Oracle database appliance| | Oracle exadata database machine| | Oracle exalogic elastic cloud| | SPARC superCluster T4-4| | Sun ZFS storage appliance| Enterprise management| Application management| | Application performance management| | Application quality management| | Cloud management| | Database management| | Hardware man agement| | Lifecycle management| | Middleware management| | Oracle enterprise manager 12c| Java| javaFX| | Oracle JDeveloper| Java platform Micro edition| | Java platform standard edition| | Oracle java SE suite| | Netbeans IDE| | Oracle java SE support| Middleware| Application grid| | Application server| | Collaboration| | Portal| | Linux| | Developer tools| | Weblogic| | Webcenter| | SOA| | Identity management| Others| Solaris| | Servers (hardware)| | Integrated management| | Sun ray clients| | Virtual desktop infrastructure| From the list, it can be seen that Oracle makes more products than SAP, this may explain why their revenue is higher. BUSINESS FUNCTIONSBusiness functions are the routine tasks performed in order to achieve the goal of an organization. The figure below shows the business functions (LLC, 2002). These functions are similar for almost all types of organization, but in some organization some functions are totally omitted based on the products or services offered. The figure below shows the most common business functions of any organization. A brief description of the business functions is given below Production Research and development: in this level, the organization develops new products and new designs for existing products.Tests, experiments and survey are the characteristic activities of this phase, data collected from tests and experiments is stored, managed and utilized by the organization’s decision makers Production and quality: this is a major function and usually represents the biggest part of the organization in terms of human resource, at this level, the production is managed, scheduled and planned. Effective machine and staff utilization is a very important aspect in this function, the quality and production rates are controlled based on the data received from the sales and design team.Distribution and Logistics: this function deals with the supply chain, it manages the raw materials and the final products. The activiti es that fall under this function include the coordination of storage of raw and finished products, management of transport and staff who directly deal with the supply chain. Sales Sales: under this function, the relationship between the organization and its customer comes in, the sales team presents the products to the customers in a convenient and persuasive manner, the team also makes tenders, proposals, invoices etc. o the customers. The team also gives feedback to the research, development and marketing teams on the status of customer satisfaction. Marketing: the marketing department deals with promoting the products of the organization, marketing will involve managing the packaging, advertising, forecasting, budgeting, pricing and planning. Carrying out market research and survey is also a key role played under this function Support services Finance: this is a key function in any organization, even for non-profitable organizations.Management of funds and budgeting are the key a ctivities in this function, the finance department records the incomes and expenditures of the organization and carries out future planning in terms of increasing the income and reducing the expenditure. Computing: the use of computers has become almost mandatory for any business, therefore, having computing support services is very important. In this category, the organization’s database, network and software are effectively managed.Human resource: it deals with recruitment of new members of staff, promotion of staff, formulation of contracts and job descriptions for the staff, training of the staff and carrying out disciplinary tasks concerning the staff. Materials: under this category, the requirements of the organization are identified and then the potential suppliers are contacted, the prices are negotiated and the purchase orders are prepared. The staffs working in this area have to closely work with the production team as well as other teams in order to ensure that all teams in the organization have the necessary materials.External services Chartered accountants: the accountants carry out audits to validate the company’s accounts, they also give advice on matters relating to tax and other issues related to the finances of the organization. Management consultants: the consultants carry out surveys on the organization’s policies, procedures, methods, governance and administration. Then they use the data from the surveys to recommend changes to the areas that have any flaws or require improvements.Recruitment agency: they carry out job interviews for recruitment purposes, they look for the necessary skills required by the organization and recommend to the human resource department a list of candidates who can best fit in the job. Advertising: in most organizations, advertising is done by the marketing team, but in large organization, a separate external body is charged with advertising the organization’s products and services. T he advertisers will propose to the management the best approach to get an edge over the competitors.Market research: this can also be done by the marketing department or by an external agency, surveys, data analysis, drawing conclusions from the analysis and formulating recommendations are the main tasks in market research. Public relations: this has recently become a very important business function for almost all organization, the public relations department uplifts and maintains the image of the organization, they answer to any inquiries made, carry out exhibitions, attend and organize conferences and also prepare press releases, brochures and newsletters.BUSINESS FUNCTIONS SUPPORTED BY ORACLE AND SAP From the list of business functions and the list of packages of the two vendors, it is easy to see that the two vendors have packages for almost all the business functions, packages such as procurement, Human capital, JD Edwards world, Master data management, Database security, Data base management etc. from oracle cover almost all the business functions. SAP also has packages that support business functions these packages included Supply Chain Performance Management, Human Resource Management Systems, Manufacturing, Business One, Central Process Scheduling etc. the table below compares the two vendors in their ability to support business functions, BUSINESS FUNCTION SUPPORTED| SAP| ORACLE|Research and development| * Master Data Management * Central Process Scheduling * Analytics * Solution Manager| * Project management * Master data management, Advanced security * Active data guard * Application management * Database management * Collaboration * Identity management| Production and quality| * CCMS * Business One * Utilities * Manufacturing * Advanced Planner And Optimizer| * Integrated management * Hardware management * Lifecycle management * Application performance management * Oracle exalogic elastic cloud * Database security * Siebel| Distribution and Logist ics| * Central Process Scheduling * Service And Asset Management * Supply Chain Performance * Management * Catalog Content Management| * Central Process Scheduling * Service And Asset Management * Supply Chain Performance * Management * Catalog Content Management| Sales| * Business ByDesign * Retail * Master Data Management * Portal * Internet Transaction Server| * Business ByDesign * Retail * Master Data Management * Portal * Internet Transaction Server| Marketing| * Training And Event Management * Analytics| * Application quality management * Project management * Enterprise performance management| Finance| * Enterprise Central Component * Internet Transaction Server * Master Data Management * Service And Asset Management * Business One * Business ByDesign| * JD Edwards world * Financial management * Oracle E-Business Suite * Web commerce * MySQL * Oracle database appliance * Database vault * Database management| Human resource| * Human Resource Management Systems * Training And Ev ent Management| * Human capital management| TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM FROM SAP AND ORACLE Technology platform refers to the ability to create or edit a software on an existing or future system, different ERP vendors have platforms that support their range of products and even their rivals products, this helps in allowing the customer to purchase a mixture of products from the same vendor or from two or more vendors. The table below shows the technology platforms of the two vendors SAP| Oracle| Sapgui * NetWeaver * Enterprise Workspaces * Cloud * SAP StreamWork * Mobility * Sybase Unwired Platform * Sybase Afaria * Project Gateway * Duet Enterprise * In-Memory Computing | * Virtual desktop infrastructure * Developer tools * Linux * Portal * Application grid * Oracle java SE support * Netbeans IDE * Java platform standard edition * Java platform Micro edition * Oracle JDeveloper * javaFX * Application server * Collaboration| The table below shows the technology platform of the two In terms of the operating systems they support and other platforms. SAP| ORACLE| * Windows * Open Source * Web Based * Linux| WindowsLinuxUnix| COST COMPARISON BETWEEN SAP AND ORACLEThe total cost of implementing an ERP project is the total amount paid to put the system in place, it involve the purchase of the system, the cost of implementing the changes required for the system to work and the salaries and wages of the personnel who work in the system. In term of the initial cost, SAP has a higher price than Oracle, SAP has maintained their high billing rates because their focus is mainly on larger enterprises, so the price seems unreasonable for small and medium enterprises, and therefore, most customer rank SAP as the most expensive (Jerferson, 2010). However, SAP has the lowest average cost overrun at about 8% over budget but Oracle had the highest cost overrun at about 15%, which is almost double that of SAP.The payback period for SAP is 13 months while that of Oracle stands at 11 months (Jerferson, 2010). According to a research conducted by Panorama consulting group, the project cost for the two vendors were as depicted on the graph below It can be seen that the two normally go beyond the anticipated budget (at 53. 6% SAP, 52. 6% Oracle) suggesting that the budgeted cost for ERP projects are likely to be less than the actual budget by an average of 53. 1% (Jerferson, 2010). The tables below were extracted from Nucleus Research and they were comparing the costs of SAP and Oracle (Jerferson, 2010). EASE OF USE The ease of use of an ERP system can be compared by looking at the customer’s satisfaction after purchasing the software. 2% of SAP’s customers were satisfied while 74% of Oracle’s customer were satisfied, this indicates that Oracle’s software are easier to use than SAP’s software but the margin between the two was very close (Jerferson, 2010). ERP MODULES The two modules were selected from Oracle, and they are Oracleâ€℠¢s Financial Management Analytics This module provides the top financial management team with a good insight into the status of the financial department and the financial results, it offers a unified solution that can be deployed quickly and contains packaged dashboards and analytics tools that help give a quick insight into the status of the financial system.This module supports the financial business function, finance involves a lot of staff and workload, and the staffs carry out routine tasks that can be repeated daily, weekly, semi-annually or annually. These records are often kept in files and this poses a huge challenge when the top management needs a quick insight or review into the results. Oracle’s Financial Management Analytics automates this system and maintains the records in a database system so that they can be accessed easily. The working principle of Analytics is depicted in the figure below (Oracle, 2012). The key features of Analytics are shown in the table below FEATURE| DESCRIPTION| Executive View| Gross Profit By Region, Income By Region, Net Cash Flow| Process Management| Metrics, Trend Analysis, Overall/Entity Status|Financial Close Schedule Summary| Summary, Graphs, Milestones, Compensation| Performance Indicators| Ratios Year On Year Comparison Table, Ratio Components, Ratio Trend Analysis| Profit And Loss| Summary Income Statement, Variance Analysis, Trend Profit And Loss| Gross Profit| Variance Analysis, Gross Profit By Product, Trend Gross Profit| Balance Sheet| Consolidating Balance Sheet, Metrics, Variance Analysis, Trend Balance Sheet| Cash Flow| Cash Flow Summary, Consolidation, Variance Analysis| Current Analysis| Variance Analysis| This module supports the finance business function, this is a key function in any organization, even for non-profitable organizations.Management of funds and budgeting are the key activities in this function, the finance department records the incomes and expenditures of the organization and carries out future planning in terms of increasing the income and reducing the expenditure. Oracle database 11g enterprise edition Oracle’s database 11g enterprise edition is a database management software that is suitable for small and medium sized enterprises, this module manages all the data in the organization and enables all the business applications to benefit from the performance, reliability, security and scalability of Oracle’s database 11g enterprise edition (Wikipedia, 2013). Oracle’s database 11g enterprise edition supports all standard data types such as XML, Text, Documents, Images, Audio, Video and Location data.Access to data is via standard interfaces such as SQL, JDBC, SQLJ, ODBC . NET, OLE . NET and ODP . NET, SQL/XML and Xquery, and WebDAV. It also has some analytical tools for modeling in SQL-based systems (Wikipedia, 2013). The figure below shows the working principle of Oracle’s database 11g enterprise edition. DATA STORE PROCESS DA TA STORE USER USER PROCESS DATA STORE PROCESS DATA STORE PROCESS DATA STORE USER USER PROCESS DATA STORE PROCESS This module support several business functions, for example it supports the sales, finance, logistics, human resource management, production etc. by keeping all the relevant data in a secure and organized manner for easy access and retrieval when needed.The two selected modules can perfectly fit in the university’s operation. The university has a finance department which deals with the management and controlling of the university’s budgets, it also deals with monitoring and management of the school fees as well as the staff salaries and allowances. The department relies heavily on computer software to carry out its daily activities. Oracle’s Financial Management Analytics can be used to manage the finance department of the university. Oracle’s database 11g enterprise edition can be used to manage all the university data including the studentâ⠂¬â„¢s results, past and present exams, e-books, financial records, hospital records, timetables etc. VENDOR SELECTIONThe preferred vendor is Oracle, this is because, they are cheaper compared to SAP, the payback period is shorter than that of SAP and their customers enjoy higher rates of satisfaction. In addition, Oracle has better customer services than SAP and has a wider range of products to choose from than SAP. The domain of the organization under study did affect the choice, the university is a service provider and not a manufacturing organization, hence, some of the modules needed in the manufacturing domain may not be needed by the service providing university. The size also affected the choice of the vendor, the university can be considered as a big enterprise with branches (campuses) in different regions, thus a powerful tier I ERP system would be required to manage the university. A customized version ofERP will be the most appropriate for use in the university, this is because, the university is a unique enterprise with unique types of data management protocols, some data can be accessed by a few authorized users while other types of data should be available for every user, the levels of authority in the university are different from those in other service providing enterprises. Therefore, a great deal of customization will be required if a successful ERP system is to be implemented, this is nevertheless, an expensive option since customized ERP system cost more and take longer to implement. ERP DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE The ERP development life cycle can be summarized in a flowchart below (Motiwalla, 2010).SCOPE AND COMMITMENT STAGE This is the first stage of the cycle and it entails carrying out a feasibility study to determine whether the ERP system will actually work and if it works (Motiwalla, 2010), will it benefit the university. In addition to this, the university will develop the scope of the implementation based on the resources and time re quirements. Then the characteristics of the ERP implementation are defined to determine what features should be included in the ERP and the customization it may need, the top management’s commitment becomes very important at this stage and the short and long term vision for the new ERP system are formulated.Once this has been done, the suitable vendor is selected based on criterions such as price, reliability, payback period, customer support etc. The scope and commitments required at this stage include: * Gap analysis: an evaluation of the functions provided by the proposed ERP system is made and a comparison between the functions it can perform and the required functions is also made * Physical scope: the number of users who will use the system, the location where the system will be implemented and the sites that will be addressed are considered at this point * BPR scope: at this level, the users, department and sites affected are identified, the current processes are looke d at to see if any changes will e required to implement the system * Technical scope: evaluate the ERP system to establish if there are any modifications to be done on the system * Resource scope: the time and money allocated to the project are determined at this point * Implementation scope: the actual implementation is considered to determine which modules will be implemented and the link with the existing system ANALYSIS AND DESIGN At this stage, the ERP system is designed by the appointed teams, the user requirements are established, and the differences between the current business process and the ERP are identified and accommodated in the design (Motiwalla, 2010).Conversion of the data and the system is done at this point so that the new system is linked with the old one, a change in the management plan is also formulated to ensure successful implementation of the ERP system. Training of the staff on how to use the new system is also done at this stage. ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPM ENT STAGE The software is purchased from the vendor and the license is paid for as well, tasks identified in the gap analysis are executed at this stage, the changes in the management are also implemented to allow for the proper functionality of the new ERP, the old data is transferred to the new system and finally the security of the new system is configured. IMPLEMENTATION STAGE The purchased software is installed and implemented, the approach used in implementation can be one of the following * Phased * Pilot * Parallel * Big bangEach of these approaches has its pros and cons, but for our case, the best approach would either be phased or parallel because these two would give the staff and the students enough time to adapt to the new system. OPERATIONAL STAGE This is the final stage of the cycle, the project team officially hands over the system to the university, the university will own the system and shall be responsible for managing new releases, installation of the patches and upgrades and renewal of contracts and licenses with the vendor. Bibliography Jerferson, D. (2010). Battle of the Titans: SAP vs ORACLE. Denver: Panorama Consulting Group. Leakey, J. (2013, February 21). SAP AG. Retrieved February 22, 2013, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/SAP_AG LLC, A. P. (2002). Business Etiquette. London: ILT. Mereddy, R. (2011).SAP basis Administration Handbook. New Dehli: McGraw-Hill. Motiwalla, L. F. (2010). Enterprise System for Management. New Jersey: Pearson Education Incorporation. Oracle. (2012). Oracle Financial Management Analytics Data Sheet. California: Oracle Press. Research, N. (2010). TCO CASE STUDY: SAP VERSUS ORACLE JD EDWARDS. Alabama: Nucleus REsearch Incorporation. SAP. (2013, February 19). SAP Home Page. Retrieved February 22, 2013, from SAP: http://www. sap. com/index. epx Wang, J. (2011). Oracle Database 11g. New York: Oracle Press. Wikipedia. (2013, February 22). Oracle corporation. Retrieved February 22, 2013, from Wikipedi a: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Oracle_Corporation

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Essay about Hypnotherapy Summary

Essay about Hypnotherapy Summary Essay about Hypnotherapy: Summary Hypnotherapy For years hypnotism has been regarded as a form of entertainment in front of audiences. When children think of hypnotizing, they probably imagine the black and white spiraling circle eventually convincing someone to fall into a trance. However, hypnosis digs a lot deeper in the surface that just a form of entertainment. Hypnosis is classified as the social interactions between a hypnotist and a patient that consists of suggestions of certain perceptions, feelings, thoughts or behaviors will erratically occur (Myers, 2004). This is carried about through strategically formed systems that cause misbelief amongst the five senses. Hypnosis can be carried through sense of touch, smell, meditation, and visually. Hypnotherapy is the process of conditioning a patient using guided relaxation, concentration, and focused attention in attempt to achieve improvement in behavioral issues, anxiety, and more (Goldberg, 2012). It has been regarded in numerous cases that hypnotherapists achieve success ful hypnotherapeutic results aiding to several aspects such as anxiety, pain relief, and behavioral problems amongst a variety of people. There are distinctive techniques a hypnotherapist must obtain in order to effectively receive positive results during treated cases. The main goal of a hypnotherapist is to try to help patients harness their own healing powers to improve selfs of these improvements would include exterminating bad habits such as nail-biting and smoking. The second is analysis which uses the relaxed state to find the root cause of a disorder/symptom (Goldberg, 2012). This is a process of extreme patience and intense concentration between the hypnotist and patient that encourages the patient to open up to bad sheltered memories, anxiety issues, or symptoms of a potential disorder they might have. With these processes in mind, it’s apparent that hypnotherapists need to have a great deal of specific qualities to become intensely influential over another human. Traits such as flexibility, sensitivity, and empathy need to be expressed along with patience and dedication (Rhue, Lynn, and Kirsh, 1993). A hypnotherapist also needs to be capable of critically applying concepts that conclude what traits are required for successful implantation of altering techniques (Rhue, Lynn, and Kirsh, 1993). Generally people do not steer in the direction of hypnotherapeutic treatment; however it has been proven to be very successful and productive. Hypnotherapy has resulted in improvements dealing with several behavioral and emotional problems. It has been known to allow people to explore their painful thoughts, feelings, and memories they might have hidden from their conscious minds (Goldberg, 2012). This can result in relieved anxiety, depression, or changes in behavior such as correcting bad habits. For example, a study experimented with people with a smoking addiction to see if hypnotherapy could help them break their habit; the results showed a 90.6% success rate for those under hypnosis (Hypnosis studies and statistics, 2011). However behavioral modifications are not the only aspect improved by hypnotherapy. The hypnotic phenomena are an extension of normal social and cognitive processes

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

chuck close essays

chuck close essays Chuck Close (born 1940) is an American photorealist specializing in close-up portraits and self-portraits. Close is one of the very few modern realists or photorealists who focus on the human face. In 1988, in mid-career, Close was paralyzed due to a blood clot in his spinal column. He regained partial use of his arms, and was able to return to painting after developing techniques which allowed him to work from a wheelchair. All of Closes works are based on photographs he takes himself. Close always follows the same guidelines in planning a painting. The source photograph is a tightly cropped head and shoulder shot. The subject is a family member or friend. The finished work is always titled by the subjects first name alone (with the exception of Self-Portrait). This decision was intended to project an aura of anonymity, allowing viewers to approach the work without preconceived ideas about the sitter. Closes working method is extremely labor-intensive. He begins by dividing his source photograph into a grid and creating a corresponding grid on the canvas. He then meticulously transcribes the image onto the canvas square by square, proceeding from the top left to the bottom right. Some of the largest canvases contain thousands of squares; Close completes all of his paintings by hand. Given the painstaking nature of this work, some of the earlier large-scale paintings took up to fourteen months to complete. Close's work falls into two periods, the early and the middle, in which he is now fruitfully engaged. It is easy to divide the two periods on either side of Close's 1988 stroke that left him unable to hold a brush. (He paints with his brush tied to his hand by a metal and Velcro device.) Close started to work with bolder, more expressive and colorful marks before his great physical trauma. The new work is both the same; they're recognizable as works by Close and could be by no one else He still...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Understanding Specific Health and Social Needs Essay

Understanding Specific Health and Social Needs - Essay Example Special populations are groups of people that are assign the duty to assess the youth and treat the youth that show the problem of sexual behavior thereby preventing them from becoming sexual offenders in future. Standard care involves developing a standard care for assessment and treatment of youth and children with sexual behavior problems. Then there is the typology and risk assessment which involves developing a typology of children who sexual abuse through systematic assessment. This help in early detection of the problem in children or youths (Longo, 2003).Then there is the typology and risk assessment which aims to develop a typology for children and youths who have sexual behavior problems. this will help in future to determine such children who may show such problems in the future and thereby helping to avoid sexual abuse and providing help to such children early enough (Longo, 2003).Interventions that are used are specific to certain conditions. If the concern is saving on cost of hospital visitation, then there is the intervention that involves training of family members on how to care for such patients with such conditions and then allowing the patient to stay at home and get such services from family members. in fact, Seattle-king county health homes initiatives depends on community health workers to do home visitations to low income families having children with asthma to provide social support services in an attempt to encourage home care of the patients (Bachrach, Pfister, Wallis, & Lipson, 2014).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Working with the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, and Transgendered therapy Research Paper

Working with the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, and Transgendered therapy patient - Research Paper Example These challenges often end up impacting on the actual effectiveness of the therapeutic sessions. It is therefore important for counselors to find out as much information about his patients as possible. In working with lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgendered clients, this is not much different. The most information which can ensure effectiveness during therapy must be established. This paper shall discuss how counselors can effectively work with lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) clients. It shall synthesize research about the population and present the most important information about working with them. This study is being carried out in order to establish a clear and comprehensive understanding of the LGBT and to ensure effectiveness of the counseling process. Discussion Gays and lesbian and other transgendered individuals often feel isolated from the rest of the world (Callahan, 2001). For the most part, they also have a poor self-image which often prompts them to hide their sexual orientation from the rest of society. They also try to fit into society by trying out conventional and accepted activities and actions for their gender (Callahan, 2001). For counselors working with teen LGBT, they must gather as much information as they can about homosexuality. ... In effect, some experts have expressed the need for counselors to gather up-to-date information about their gay students through a human sexuality course (Callahan, 2001). Such course may assist counselors in recognizing their possible roles involving their suicidal gay students and those going through similar mental breakdowns in relation to their sexuality. In working with LGBTs, it is also important for counselors to be their patients’ advocates, especially in the schools and the communities. Through this advocacy, it is possible to open up the lines of communication between the other students and the gay community – to help incorporate these individuals into mainstream society (Callahan, 2001). Counselors must also try their best to support and protect this sexual minority by creating a safe environment in which these students can enter. By making it safe for them to seek counseling, it is possible to increase the number of LGBTs seeking counseling and eventually he lp safeguard their mental health. In a study by Bartlett,, (2001) the authors set out to establish the therapeutic approaches taken by contemporary psychotherapists and psychoanalysts in relation to their gay and lesbian clients. They were able to establish that gays and lesbians seeking psychoanalytic therapy in the National Health Service for personal reasons would have difficulties finding gay therapists if they want one. This study also established that clients may often encounter overt or covert bias, including the pathologisation of homosexuality (Bartlett,, 2001). In a paper by Godfrey,, (2006) the authors set out to determine the knowledge, experiences, and values that therapists must possess in order to ensure quality therapy services for gays,